Monday, June 30, 2014

Stone Sheep of Muncho Lake

As we approached Muncho Lake, we saw signs warning of sheep.  In Muncho Lake, stone sheep are fairly plentiful.  These creatures literally climb up the very steep rock faces along the sides of the road….

This was our first sighting of stone sheep.  We were curious about a couple of things – the first was what the sheep seemed to be grazing on along the road side.  We sort of figured out that there are some minerals that are found in the rocks that they really seem to like….perhaps salt??  The second thing I was particularly curious about was that little baby…..

But first, check out this guy starting his trek up the rocks.  Granted they aren’t steep at this specific point, but it definitely got steep really quickly!!  I had to sort of highlight him in the image, since their coloring really blends in with the rocks. 

Oh, gosh, isn’t this sweet?  The rocks in the background, by the way, are the rocks that they climb up somehow.  Anyway, this little one just tagged along behind his/her mom, following close in her hoof-prints!

And, here’s the cutest shot of this little one!!  His/her mom crossed the road and walked directly toward me standing outside the Jeep.  She stopped once she seemed to realize I was outside the Jeep and I wasn’t a car (which it seems they are pretty used to).  She was about 15 feet from me, but, as you can see from the look in her eye, she was a bit wary of me.  I didn’t attempt to get any closer, but just sort of slid over so I could capture her baby peeking out from behind her.  Just too cute for words!

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