Saturday, January 10, 2015

Frosty Walk

The other day, it was a beautiful morning for a walk with my favorite canine photographer assistant, Miki.  No, it wasn’t warm day – it was a cold day with hoar frost all over the place.  So, quick before it melted, Miki and I went out so I could photograph the frosty!

I love this image.  The trees are so cool – they look like what used to be called “flocked” trees back in the day, not that I ever had one of those!  You can really see the frost scruff on the ground – they show up well against the brown of the ground.  The frost on the fence really emphasizes how cold it is.  And, I love the warm morning color outlining the mountains in the distance.

Altho the sky is a bit of a warm color, the overall feeling of this image to me is “blue”.  It’s so chilly, it just gives off a real blue feeling to me.  I love how pretty the tree is, too, and the frost serves to highlight that.

This image to me says “frozen” and no, not the movie!  The detail that the frost is accenting on this dried little bloom is really wonderful.  Still, at this time, despite my long underwear and layers, I’m beginning to long for a cup of hot chocolate!

The thing I love about this image is the monotone throughout the image – shades of white and blue grey, with a touch of dark brown in there.  How perfect these trees are!

And, finally, some frosty blooms just outside our back door.  The dried flowers are still standing strong, as if to say they will not let the winter get them down – they will return in just a few short months!
