Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Scenic Beauty – Darwin Bay – Genovesa Island – Galapagos

I do love landscape and scenic images, and was lucky enough to capture some, both intimate landscapes and those of a broader nature…..
Lava Rock & Coral
This is definitely an intimate landscape.  The beach was covered in two different types of coral – the smaller pieces of what I consider regular coral, and the large white “rocks” which are a coral called Brain Coral, since it sort of resembles a brain.  The dark rocks are called lava rocks.
Into the Light
There were lots and lots of female frigatebirds flying in the sky.  I had to wait patiently (not my strong suit) to be able to catch a single one in the sky.  Its location was an added bonus!
I love the simplicity and peacefulness of this image.  The wave softly lapping against the beach, with some rocks previously placed there by the same waves.  Makes me want to just sit down, relax, and let the waves tickle my toes!
Days End
It was the end of our time here at Darwin Bay, and the sun was beginning its exit.  Again, the frigatebirds add just the right touch to the image.
Gull on Shore
This image seems to capture the solitary nature of much of the Galapagos – a nice quiet home to the animals living there.

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