Saturday, March 29, 2014

Retirement - A Reflection

Yesterday was my last official work day after 25 years at one company - wow!  Kind of amazing to think about that.  

In all those years, there have certainly been bad times as well as good, and I'm happy to say that the good times out numbered the bad, and the bad times taught me some very valuable lessons.

You can only imagine how many different people I met in those 25 years.  Again, I'm happy to be able to say that a vast majority of folks were great to work with, and those that weren't.......well, I've always been taught to be tactful, so we'll leave it at that!  (tee,hee!)

One interesting thing that I've noticed about the past 25 years.....I've pretty much not done any job that one could train for or for which a specific degree was required.  In fact, on more than one occasion, the job that I held didn't exist before I held it.  I have to admit, it was fun to be somewhat of a ground breaker!

You may be wondering what these lovely flowers have to do with this reflection on a working life.  Well, my wonderful most recent boss gave me these flowers as I was leaving.  They are from the entire team, but I think she picked them out alone, and they are beautiful!
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful working life!

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