Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nothing to Photograph - Part II

At the far end of our walk, Miki and I came to our friend’s place.  Miki was so wonderful, just sitting patiently while I captured the warmth of the morning in my photos…..

This is an image of part of my friend’s home.  I have always loved the arched entrance to what I assume is a patio or some sort of enclosed area.  I really love the way the morning sun shines thru and accents the arch.  The rustic fence and tree just sort of add to the ambiance of the setting.

This is the view of the drive into my friend’s property.  I love the illumination behind the tree, and the warmth of the scenery beyond her property.  The morning wasn’t warm temperature-wise, but this view certainly warmed me!

Here are Ozzie and Jewel, the Norwegian Fjords owned by my friend.  I call this the “Morning Shuffle” as the two of them sort of shuffle around deciding which are the most tasty morsels to have for breakfast!  You can see another home in the distance, and just the rolling land beyond Ozzie and Jewel’s corral.

I captured this image of Ozzie just as he turned toward the sunrise, and you can see the sunlight reflected in his eye.  Ozzie is quite photogenic – I got a great image of him a few years ago, with frost on his coat.  This one ranks right up there as another of my favorites of him!

This image is similar to another one that is above, but it’s a closer in shot, and I converted it to a Monet-type painting.  I just love the dreamy feel of this – a lovely start to the day……and I can’t believe I thought there’d be nothing to photograph!



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