Friday, August 22, 2014

Spring Canyon Bottom Road

Our last true stop of our trip was Moab, which was only appropriate, since it was our first true stop of the trip.  We’ve come full circle on the greatest trip I’ve ever been on.  I can’t speak for Jeff, but I think he had a pretty good time, too! 
We did a bit of off-roading on our day in Moab.  We decided to check out a back road we hadn’t been down before – Spring Canyon Bottom Road.  It was definitely off-road, and very narrow.  This was at the beginning of the road, and we’d soon to be heading down to the bottom of Spring Canyon.  You can get an idea of how narrow the road was, and yes, we drove between those 2 large rocks – right where the light is shining thru.

We didn’t really get a look at the canyon until we were on the road.  I like this view because it shows how narrow the road is, and how “on the edge” we were on it!  You can also get an idea of how big and beautiful the canyon was.

Here’s another view of the road we were on.  Just to give you perspective, I’m sitting in the Jeep and the bottom of the image is the actual edge of the road……and some parts were even narrower – Yikes!

We’ve reached the bottom of the canyon!  It had just rained a day or so before, so there was still some water around, and the shrubbery was very green!  I love the contrast between the red clay earth and the green growth, too.

This is the furthest that we went on this back road.  We were a couple of miles from the actual end, but due to the rain I mentioned before, the sandy/dirt road was getting pretty “shifty” and we were a bit concerned that we’d sink in and wouldn’t be able to get out.  Not a good thing when one is as far from town as we were and probably out of cell phone range! 

This image was taken when we were back on top of the road.  Jeff pulled off so I could walk to the edge, at a sort of scenic view area.  The lower right corner of the image is the ledge I was standing on.  Altho it looks like I’m on the very edge, I’m not that brave!!

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