Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Flowers Along Christopher Pond

The same hike along Christopher Pond had some lovely wildflowers (or remainders of them!) for us to enjoy along the way, too!

The above bloom is a Canadian Thistle (I believe) - I really liked the color of this one and the pattern of the petals.  Against the background, it really reminds me of fall.....

How lucky could I get to see another perfect "fuzzy head" of a dandelion?  I really like the color of this one in the morning sun.  There are some advantages to getting up early - seeing things like this!

I really liked the way the morning sun lit up just the tops of this bloom/grass.  I'm not sure what it is exactly, but the colors just seemed to calming and yet invigorating, I had to share.

And finally, isn't this just a luscious shade of purple?  Again, the detail in the bloom itself is what drew me to this. Perfection in nature....

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